
Marriage Alliance Blog

Two In One Flesh is part of The Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organiations

This blog will be updated monthly with a contribution from one of the six groups.

Marriage Alliance: September 2024

The Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations Blog - Counting Our Blessings

For many, September brings a return to the normal pace of life, the school holidays are over and activities that may have taken a break over summer resume. There may be a sadness that those light warmer evenings are shortening and along with them the time with family and friends and as a couple may be shortening too.

As we approach autumn, it’s also wonderful to be reminded of the good things that God has given to us perhaps by noticing the abundant fruit ripening on a blackberry bush, hearing the laughter of children crunching their feet through the fallen leaves, or feeling the support of our partner at a time that may be difficult or meaningful for us…

At the end of this summer, and as we return to a more normal pattern, we have found ourselves needing to remember the importance of making space for one another as a couple no matter how busy life becomes and of celebrating the many wonderful things that God has given us in our marriage. As we approach autumn, we know we need to go back to basics and make sure that we ring-fence quality time with one another so that it remains a priority and isn’t neglected alongside all the many other things that are flooding our inboxes. We also start September with joy as we count the many blessings to be found within and because of our marriage and look forward to embracing all the happenings and challenges that the last few months of 2024 may bring.

How about you?

‘’Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’’ Philippians. 4: 8-9

Fran & Mark Watson

Marriage Care (


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